Out Now!

What begins as a game, turns out to be anything but, when the ring attaches itself around her neck. Join Suki and her friend Billy in their struggle after finding plastic waste on the beach! The story not only highlights plastic pollution as a problem, but also contains a message that teaches children how we can help prevent plastic pollution in the oceans.

This brilliant picture book, illustrated by Angela Simonovska, is perfect for readers aged 3-6 who love nature and want to help the environment. It also highlights the incredible work carried out by seal sanctuaries around the United Kingdom


Ava & Oliver’s Bonfire Night AdventureGuy Fawkes Night



Ava & Oliver’s Christmas Nativity Adventure

Ava & Oliver's Christmas Nativity Adventure



Danny the Caterpillar

Danny the Caterpillar



Gerry the One-Eared CatDawn Brookes books


Miracles of Jesus Bible Story Books


Jesus Feeds a big crowd

2nd Edition

Jesus feeds 5,000



Jesus feeds a big crowd

1st Edition

Jesus feeds 5,000 for kids



Jesus feeds a big crowd

colouring story book

Bible stories kids



Jesus heals a man on a stretcher

Miracles of Jesus



Jesus heals a man on a stretcher

colouring story book

Colouring books
