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"A captivating picture book of boats and ships for young children."
The book includes twenty-six photos shown in alphabetical order to help children remember the alphabet as well as learn the names of the types of boats and ships. Some of the photos are presented in different ways using artistic filters, others as straight photos. There is a short index at the back of the book with a little bit of information about each boat or ship type. Finally there is a page at the back to encourage a child to draw a picture of their own favourite boat or ship.
A great introduction to the subject as a learning tool or for any young child who just likes boats and ships.
"The story is very well written and engaging for my 7-year-old son. It gives a vivid picture of what the day of this miracle meant to the boy who met Jesus! Loved it!"
Jesus feeds a big crowd
is a Bible story based on the miracle of the feeding of the 5000. The story is told through the eyes of the boy who provided the loaves and the fishes.
The reader can feel the EXCITEMENT of the boy as he witnesses an amazing miracle. Told in a fresh and exciting way children can read an age old miracle from a completely different perspective.
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Paperback £5.99
Kindle £1.99
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Paperback £5.49
Kindle Version £1.99
"This book cleverly provides a credible and engaging back story to the traditional account of Jesus healing the lame man, by a description of events triggered by adolescent resentment and rebellion, which fits into a modern setting as well as a biblical one. Suitable for reading aloud or for reluctant readers to tackle themselves, I can see this book will be welcomed for use in school assemblies and libraries, mixed age Sunday School classes and as a gift. It will particularly appeal to boys who are hard to please. Recommended for ages 7-11."
Reviewer: Fiona Fox, teacher with over 30 years experience in Primary and Sunday Schools, School Librarian and R.E. Co-ordinator
This wonderful children's bible story book brings one of the miracles of Jesus in the bible to life.
It covers youth rebellion, suffering and forgiveness all in one short book.
Jesus heals a man on a stretcher
is the second book in ‘The Miracles of Jesus’ series. It is a Bible story based on the miracle of the healing of a man who was lowered through the roof of a house where Jesus was healing people. The story is told through the eyes of the man who was healed. It begins with his earlier life and how he came to be paralysed following an accident.
Follow the twists and turns in the life of this man who grows up from being a bitter young boy to a joyful man. The reader can share in the excitement of the man as he moves from total disbelief to complete elation as he becomes the receiver of a miracle and is able to walk again.
Sensitively illustrated throughout, this book will provide entertainment to children whilst providing a new way of learning a well-known biblical story. This book is suitable for use in Sunday school and schools as well as for personal reading and learning.
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Paperback £7.99
Kindle Version £3.99
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