Saturday June 19th 1982
Woke feeling shattered. Jet lag has caught up with me, awake half the night and wanting to sleep all day.
J drove Suzie’s car while the Singaporean acted as guide. We visited Tiger Balm Gardens, elaborate gardens with Chinese sculptures of wise men and buddhas. The torture chamber was a trifle gruesome with models of torture etc. A group of American’s were singing Christian choruses which was a pleasant interlude.

After our Tiger Balm visit we went to the Chinese Gardens in Jurong where we had lunch. There was a gorgeous lily pond and botanical plants. On the way back we picked up two of Suzie’s friends and they played Gin Rummy for a while.
I phoned a chap I had met at All Souls Church in London, Wai Yin who’s going to take me to church tomorrow and then J will join us for dinner. J and I went for another swim.
Suzie and her friends took us to Chinatown for dinner. The markets are vibrant and busy throughout the evening. We also saw fortune tellers with crystal balls, tarot cards and the like trying to attract tourists. We ate at one of the street markets. One of Suzie’s friends paid, she wouldn’t let us open our purses at all. These people are so generous. The poorer side of Chinatown was laced with shanty houses, beggars on the street and poverty.
My purchases were a set of chopsticks to take home and a t-shirt.
Linda Ho called Suzie’s at the end of the evening and has invited us to spend the afternoon and evening with her. I need to call Wai Yin early tomorrow to see if we can go to church tomorrow evening.