Plotter, Pantser or Planter

Plotter, Pantser or Planter? You may have heard the term plotter and probably pantser and I've been mulling these writing styles over in my head and while doing so I've come up with a combination of the two, planter! What on earth is she talking about? All will become clear... Plotters In terms of writing, a plotter is a person who sits down and outlines a plot of their story following a structured approach. This approach will most likely drill down to chapter headings and a rough outline of the contents of each chapter ending with a finale.  A story outline such as this is a requirement for submissions to agents and/or publishers and it is an approach many authors follow rigidly. Pantser The opposite to a plotter, the pantser sits down and writes, allowing their creativity to take over. There is no plan, the story develops itself on the hoof as the author writes. Authors who rebel against the traditional plotting already mentioned might swear by this approach arguing that the former inhibits their creative side.  Some people argue that pantsing results in better stories while others say that it is damaging. Who's right? Neither. It's whatever works for the author or more importantly, the reader as he/she is the ultimate judge of whether it is working. Planter  In reality many authors use a combination of the two approaches and you can see what I've done here - creating one word from the two. I personally use a combination and when I was playing with this word initially it was a bit of fun.  The more I think about it though, planting is what I do as an author. I have a seed of an idea, I start to write and for me as the story develops or the plant…

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Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting Posted on 1st February 2019 inCozy Mysteries, Cruising, Rachel Prince Backstory, Rachel Prince Behind the Scenes, Wine Tasting Wine Tasting Rachel Prince attends a wine tasting lesson in the book ‘Deadly Cruise.‘ I thought it would be fun to put together a summary of what she may have learned! Introduction to Wine Tasting In terms of fine dining, no drink plays nearly as important a role as wine. Top restaurants and cruise ships have their own sommeliers to advise guests with regard to the wines suitable for accompanying their food choices. A good wine is an experience in its own right. Accordingly, wine tasting is growing in popularity as more people have opportunities to dine out and to take cruises. Many cruise lines offer wine tasting lessons on board ship with the ship’s own sommelier and visits to wine growing vineyards as part of a land-based tour. In particular, a vineyard tour offers a unique insight into the inner workings of wine growers. Wine tasting provides an excellent opportunity to engage intensely with wine variants. By practising wine tasting you will learn which grape varieties and dishes can be combined. This helps you choose which wines are suitable for which occasion and what specialties you can serve with what wine. You will learn to sensitise your taste buds and your nose for the different flavors! What is Wine Tasting? When it comes to wine, tasting wine is not synonymous with drinking. Tasting comes from engaging and stimulating the senses including those of sight, smell and taste. Wine tasting is a skill needed to analyse wine to check it is suitable for serving and that there are no imperfections. You will use the eye to check colour and clarity, the nose to check aromas and the mouth to detect flavors and textures. Tasting also involves the pleasure of recognising…

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